Your child’s happiness at our nursery is paramount to us. We work closely with parents to ensure that there is a close home/school relationship. Our aim is to ensure that your child enjoys every day at our nursery. A positive experience at nursery school will stand them in good stead for leading a happy school life throughout their childhood.
Near the end of each term, we have a Settling In Session for all the children starting school with us the following term. This is an opportunity for you to visit the school again, to meet your child’s class teacher, and to ask any questions you may have before they start school the following term.
You will also be sent a Settling In Questionnaire, which you will need to complete and return to us. This questionnaire provides us with useful information about your child and the rest of your family, which helps us to make your child's first days and weeks at our nursery happier, and more comfortable.
On their first day, we ask that you take your child into their new classroom, where their teacher will be waiting to welcome them, say goodbye, and then leave as soon as possible. Over our twenty plus years of experience, we have found this to be the most successful way of settling a child in quickly. If, for any reason, your child is particularly unhappy, we will call you and ask you to return to the nursery, however this happens very rarely. Your child is welcome to bring a favourite toy, or other special item with them during their first few weeks as this can make them feel more secure.
Each child is different: some will settle into nursery life quickly, whereas some might take a few weeks, or even a whole term. We will help your child to settle in with kindness, love, and patience. We will always work closely with you to ensure that your child feels happy, secure, and confident throughout their time at our school.