Term starts: Thursday 20th April 2023
Bank Holidays: Monday 1st May 2023 & Monday 8th May 2023 & Monday 29th May 2023
Half Term: Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June 2023
Term ends: Friday 7th July 2023
Summer Club at the Kensington Kindergarten: Monday 10th July – Friday 12th August 2023


Term starts: Thursday 7th September 2023
Half Term: Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October 2023
Term ends: Friday 8th December 2023
Christmas Club at The Kensington Kindergarten: Monday 11th December – Friday 15th December 2023


Term starts: Monday 8th January 2024
Half Term: Monday 12th February 2024 – Friday 16th February 2024
Term ends: Friday 22nd March 2024 
Easter Club at The Kensington Kindergarten: Monday 25th March – Friday 5th April 2024                                 (excluding 29th March and 1st April due to Bank Holidays)


Term starts: Thursday 18th April 2024
Bank Holidays: Monday 6th May 2024 & Monday 27th May 2024                                                                                                 Half Term: Monday 27th May 2024 – Friday 31st May 2024
Term ends: Friday 5th July 2024
Summer Club at The Kensington Kindergarten: Monday 8th July 2024 – Friday 2nd August 2024

What Ofsted and our parents say…

  • The team you have built is fantastic and Leo thoroughly enjoyed his time at nursery.
    Parent Quote
  • Teaching is of a high quality and staff provide well-planned, stimulating activities that promote children's development.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Staff take time to carefully find out about children’s personalities and interests, which they reflect in very well-planned activities.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Harry could not have had a better start to his schooling life.
    Parent Quote
  • Staff have a thorough understanding of each child’s learning and welfare needs, and value them as unique individuals.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children thrive and make excellent progress in their learning and development, due to the highly effective support of the skillful and committed staff.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Staff manage children's behaviour highly effectively and children behave very positively.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children's progress is promoted well by high-quality teaching and thoughtful planning of activities.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Alex has thoroughly enjoyed his time at the kindergarten – it has been a fantastic experience for him and we will be sad to leave such a happy and positive environment.
    Parent Quote
  • Staff develop highly effective partnerships with parents.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Thank you so much for everything during the past five years. My three boys have loved your kindergarten and their teachers very much.
    Parent Quote
  • I have told you all many times how much I adore the school. I couldn’t have hoped for a better kindergarten for my child’s first experience of school life.
    Parent Quote
  • Parents comment on how highly effective the school is in meeting their children’s needs.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Clarissa loved coming to the nursery every day and my husband and I were very touched by the lovely atmosphere you all created. You make school fun!
    Parent Quote
  • Staff are exceptionally good role models to the children, not only offering them praise and encouragement, but also encouraging them to support each other.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children access a broad range of high quality resources that encourage [them] to engage in activities that promote all areas of learning and development and promote their future skills extremely well.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children are very well mannered, highly confident and very motivated to learn.
    OFSTED Quote
  • You have a great school. I am so happy that my daughter started her journey at The Knightsbridge Kindergarten and hope that her future school will be able to measure up to it!
    Parent Quote
  • You really have a great kindergarten and I am so happy I chose this one!
    Parent Quote
  • We deeply appreciate your kindness and admire your patience, knowledge and expertise.
    Parent Quote
  • I would like to thank you with all my heart for the wonderful work you all do at The Knightsbridge Kindergarten.
    Parent Quote

+44 (0)20 7371 2306

© Copyright The Knightsbridge Kindergarten | All rights reserved

The Knightsbridge Kindergarten
St Peter's Church
119 Eaton Square
London SW1W 9AL

Website by West5web