Our uniform consists of a polo shirt or polo dress and a pullover or cardigan. Your child will also need a backpack, a clothes bag and a smock. All of these need to be purchased from Sogan’s in Fulham. They can either be bought in the shop or online.

You can also purchase a hat and coat, but these are optional. 

The trousers, shorts, leggings, skirts or tights that your child wears need to be either black, grey, or navy blue.

What Ofsted and our parents say…

  • Staff take time to carefully find out about children’s personalities and interests, which they reflect in very well-planned activities.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Alex has thoroughly enjoyed his time at the kindergarten – it has been a fantastic experience for him and we will be sad to leave such a happy and positive environment.
    Parent Quote
  • Children thrive and make excellent progress in their learning and development, due to the highly effective support of the skillful and committed staff.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Thank you so much for everything during the past five years. My three boys have loved your kindergarten and their teachers very much.
    Parent Quote
  • Parents comment on how highly effective the school is in meeting their children’s needs.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Clarissa loved coming to the nursery every day and my husband and I were very touched by the lovely atmosphere you all created. You make school fun!
    Parent Quote
  • We deeply appreciate your kindness and admire your patience, knowledge and expertise.
    Parent Quote
  • Staff are exceptionally good role models to the children, not only offering them praise and encouragement, but also encouraging them to support each other.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children are very well mannered, highly confident and very motivated to learn.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Staff develop highly effective partnerships with parents.
    OFSTED Quote
  • You have a great school. I am so happy that my daughter started her journey at The Knightsbridge Kindergarten and hope that her future school will be able to measure up to it!
    Parent Quote
  • You really have a great kindergarten and I am so happy I chose this one!
    Parent Quote
  • Children access a broad range of high quality resources that encourage [them] to engage in activities that promote all areas of learning and development and promote their future skills extremely well.
    OFSTED Quote
  • I have told you all many times how much I adore the school. I couldn’t have hoped for a better kindergarten for my child’s first experience of school life.
    Parent Quote
  • Teaching is of a high quality and staff provide well-planned, stimulating activities that promote children's development.
    OFSTED Quote
  • I would like to thank you with all my heart for the wonderful work you all do at The Knightsbridge Kindergarten.
    Parent Quote
  • Staff manage children's behaviour highly effectively and children behave very positively.
    OFSTED Quote
  • The team you have built is fantastic and Leo thoroughly enjoyed his time at nursery.
    Parent Quote
  • Staff have a thorough understanding of each child’s learning and welfare needs, and value them as unique individuals.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Children's progress is promoted well by high-quality teaching and thoughtful planning of activities.
    OFSTED Quote
  • Harry could not have had a better start to his schooling life.
    Parent Quote

+44 (0)20 7371 2306

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The Knightsbridge Kindergarten
St Peter's Church
119 Eaton Square
London SW1W 9AL

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